Late Night Flea Market in BELVIDERE, IL

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Late Night Flea Market in BELVIDERE, IL

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 06/15/2024
Promoter Zurko Promotions
Event Name Late Night Flea Market
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Event Location Boone Co. Fairgrounds, 8791 IL Rte 76
Craftmaster Codes $95-$125,A,FA,COLLECTIBLES,FURNITURE,F
$5 ADM,3pm-Midnight
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info BELVLIDERE, ILLINOIS. It’s MOON-LITE Madness, from 3PM TO MIDNIGHT AT THE Boone County Fairgrounds located at 8791, IL. Rt. 76 in Belvidere, Illinois

“No need for Sun-Tan lotion at this market,” state Bob Zurko of Zurko’s Midwest Promotions, promoter of the special event. It’s a night of “Flea & Fun”!

It’s treasure-hunting at its finest, as dealers gather their “FLEAS & STUFF including Antiques, Crafts, County Furniture, Old Comics, Toys, MEMORABILIA of all sorts and lots of Collectibles. The “NITE” market affords a great opportunity for folks who generally cannot attend a Flea Market during the day. Great food & snacks will be available. Dealers will be indoors, in tents and open-air, as the market goes rain or “MOON SHINE”! As always, the fun is in the hunt. Bring ‘FLASHLIGHTS”! For additional information on this and other Zurko Promotions, call or write: 115 E. Division St. Shawano, WI. 54166 (715-526-9769)
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