Strawberry Festival 38th in CEDARBURG, WI

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Strawberry Festival 38th in CEDARBURG, WI

Date 06/22/2024 to 06/23/2024
Promoter Festivals of Cedarburg
Event Name Strawberry Festival 38th
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Event Location Downtown Cedarburg
Craftmaster Codes $175+,10X10,ACO,FAO,CL,DB,DM,JY,DL 3/15
250,000 ATTN,3+1 PH,DNR,OS,JU $20
300 BTHS,FREE ADM,Sa 10-6,Su 10-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Take a stroll along Washington Avenue and enjoy more than 300 juried artists who bring their thousands of works of art and crafts to historic downtown Cedarburg, including paintings, sculpture, ceramics, fiber art, fine glass, jewelry, woodwork, mixed media and photography. An annual event since 1985, Strawberry Festival also features music, unique shopping, children's activities, demonstrations, fun-filled contests and
festival food showcasing strawberries, plus much more.
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