Art in the Park Fine Art Show/Sale in OTTAWA, IL

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Art in the Park Fine Art Show/Sale in OTTAWA, IL

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 06/29/2024
City/State OTTAWA, IL
Promoter Ottawa Art League
Event Name Art in the Park Fine Art Show/Sale
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Event Location Washington Square Park
Craftmaster Codes $30,10X10,FAO,JY,DL 5/31
2,000 ATTN,4 PH,OS,JU $5
35 BTHS,FREE ADM,9am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Art in the Park is open to both professional and amateur artists. Original works in painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, wood, glass, metals, printmaking, ceramics, jewelry and mixed media are eligible. NO kit crafts are allowed. Artists may only exhibit in the medium(s) in which they are juried. The Ottawa Art League reserves the right to refuse exhibition of work not consistent with submitted applications.
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