Garlic & Arts Festival 26th in ORANGE, MA

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Garlic & Arts Festival 26th in ORANGE, MA

NOTE: This event's information has NOT YET been confirmed for this year.
Last year's information provided for reference.
(Events are updated daily)

Date 09/28/2024 to 09/29/2024
City/State ORANGE, MA
Promoter North Quabbin Garlic & Arts Festival
Event Name Garlic & Arts Festival 26th
Contact Person (On file for subscribers)
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Event Location Forsters Farm, 60 Chestnut Hill Rd.
Craftmaster Codes Call for Info,ACO,FAO,F
12,000 ATTN,OS,DL 4/30
100+ BTHS,$5 ADM,10am-5pm
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info ***Applications will be posted first week of March - Deadline to apply is April 30 each year.***

The North Quabbin Garlic and Arts Festival is a celebration of the artistic, agricultural and cultural bounty of the region. The exhibitor booths at the festival exemplify the values of homegrown, handmade and high quality. Over 100 booths and exhibitors become a village of artists, farmers and food producers, community organizations, along with practitioners of renewable energy, healing arts, local living and woodcrafters, all who share their fabulous wares and bountiful knowledge. The food courts fill the air with garlicky, local, culturally diverse cuisine. There is something for everyone at the festival! Look for on-going demos and scheduled workshops for a weekend rich in culture and creativity. And thank you for supporting local artists and farmers!

Our exhibitors are each contributing skills and energy to bring the festival to fruition, and we are grateful for this model of collaboration.
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