Toad Suck Daze 44th in CONWAY, AR

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Toad Suck Daze 44th in CONWAY, AR

Date 05/02/2025 to 05/04/2025
City/State CONWAY, AR
Promoter Chamber of Commerce
Event Name Toad Suck Daze 44th
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Event Location Downtown Conway
Craftmaster Codes Approx $375,10X10,AC,FA,CL,E,F,JY,CMR
200+BTHS,FREE ADM,1-10:30,10-10:30,10-5
Click Here for Code Definitions
Additional Info Toad Suck Daze as two retail areas. The Toad Market is a mix of arts & crafts and commercial products. Vendors provide their own canopy. The Oak Street Galleria is a new up scale shopping addition that caters to local boutiques and true arts & crafts and fine art vendors. These spaces have a canopy provided. The festival will make the final decision on what applications are selected for each area.
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